In exactly 4 days, on 5 December, GRAVITY, our new album, will be sent out into the world in almost all possible forms. It took a while to get to this point (long story). The production of this album was financed in part by over 100 people who gave generously in order to hear our songs. The liner notes could not contain them all and beyond those who contributed funds are those who have been constantly supportive and generous with their time and ideas. We want to thank as many as we can here:
The band that makes the music: Sylvain, Angela, Julien, Amaury all wish to thank:
The man behind the sound: Peter Deimel at Studio Black Box
The woman behind the man who makes the sound: Sylvie Pichard (a great friend and musician, always willing to help with extra percussion)
The woman who helps the singer: Sarah Sanders
The man behind the camera lens: Jehsong Baak
The image maker: Mike Derez
The family (you know who you are)
The friends (you also know who you are)
The ones who SHARE our posts and TALK us up and BUY our music and actually SHOW UP to concerts – a special place is reserved for you in heaven.
Those we lost along the way: Bob, Bruno, Jean-Jacques, Philippe – we will play this album LOUD so that you hear it from wherever you are.
And also our dear Kisskissbankers in no particular order:
Michèle Olender, Cécile Bernard, Jehsong Baak, Tristan Bowles, Denise Hall, Olivier et Dominique Cha, Gaëlle Buswel, Louisa Pillot, Géraldine Le Pelletier, Simon Theobald, Jean-Matthieu Matisse, Bruno Ponchon, Frédéric Vernus, Nicolas Deschamps, Matthieu Grosmangin, Delphine Clavé, Sylvie Gotteland, Hervé Stanciu, Antoine Clavé, Eric Turquin, Miloud Degdag, Jean-Marc Hiel, Thomas d’Arbigny, Marc Anciaux, Andrew Clayton-Payne, Caroline and Eric Agletiner Blakely, Alexandra Pacquement du Couëdic, Isabelle Leegenhoek, Stéphane Pinta, Hubert Duchemin, Roy Brindley, Mike Derez, Julie Ducher, Yan Lenouvel, Gilles Gauthier, Muriel Tacchini, Dominique et Monique Busvel, Patrick Dupont, Damien Caubet, Mark Poltimore, Yann Armellino, Pascal Redondo, Clothilde Delemar, Jean-Pierre Courcier, Lolita Parra, Ségolene Carosella, Giselle Dubourg, Patrick Mangion, Wei-Khu Lao, Jacques Maignier, James Roundell, Estelle Servant, Estelle Barelier, Sebastien Barbe, Dominique Voiturier, Mick Ravassat, Philippe Selamme, Céline Hersant-Hoerter, Philippe Denuit, Vincent Le Gallic, Bruno Blasin, Nicolas Auvray, Olivier Bert, Chloé Letiévant, Jean Proust, Audrey Lurie, Marotea Vitrac, Nina Clavé, Julien Lannoy, Allison Maarek, Jérémy and Wendy Bakkalian, Robert Glamb, Laure de Pourtales, Franck Prazan, Agathe Kipienne, Delphine Bonnart et Michaal Benjelloun, Rick Wester, Philippe Joffard, Anne-Marie Oudinot, Jean-Jacques Bravo, Antoine Bechet, John Goldstein, Sébastien Castor, Aude Bourguignon, Catherin Chaussain, Simon Benbarouk, Arno Vincendo, Christelle Durand, Daniel Le Teurnier, Jean-Paul Chergui, Guy Labertit.
We appreciate each and every one of you and send you peace and love and GRAVITY.