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The new album, GRAVITY, is still wet behind the ears and it’s already been a wild ride.

The reaction from the independent press has been overwhelmingly positive – first for the single “A Son of Sam” and its official music video which was spectacularly playlisted by both Rolling Stone France and Apple Music on “New Rock Music”. 

The single was also chosen as track of the day and “clip coup de cœur” by various websites (Rock Made In France, Home Cooking Share, l’Oreille à l’Envers, Indiemusic…) having first been premiered by Longueur d’Ondes.

GRAVITY was album of the week with Zicazic and has been reviewed by the likes of BEST magazine, Guitar Part and a number of independent blogs.
The songs are on innumerable independent radio stations and we were thrilled that Francis Zégut chose Chemical Love to showcase on the French national rock radio RTL2.

The album has crossed borders, being covered by Right Chord Music, Tinnitist, Mystic Sons, RGM and New Noise Music in California.

For those who are curious here is a list of some of the reviews with links where possible:

Guitar Part 
Guitar Part Magazine #345
Rock Made in France
BEST Magazine
My Head Is A Jukebox
Indie Pop Rock
Home Cooking Share for l’Indé Sur Le Pouce #19
ITW: Buzz On Web 
Alain Hiot
Froggy’s Delight
Les Oreilles Curieuses
À Découvrir Absolument
W-Fenec Magazine N° des 25 ans
The Blog Rock
Sensation Rock
Right Chord Music
ITW Persona Edition
Longueur d’Ondes Magazine #98
Mystic Sons
Music Crowns
VENTS Magazine
New Noise Magazine
Ear Milk
Pictor Magazine
Blues Mag #108 April/May 2023
Blues & Co #103 March/April/May 2023
Review release concert in Paris Café de la Danse
Interview BEST Magazine 17/03/23
Rock Meeting Review 05/07/23
Nouvelle Vague 01/08/23
Interview Blues & Co #105 Sept/Oct/Nov 2023


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