November 2016



Words to music or music to words; the songs arrive first and pave the walkway all the way to the studio door. But an album…An ALBUM is not just a gathering of tracks but an adventure where something that starts in secret decides to make its coming out with the help of allies and passersby. So here it stands folks. We decided to make an album. We asked for help from those who knew us well as well as from those who had met us once or twice and together a project went from an idea to something more tangible. This past summer we went to Studio Black Box and recorded and mixed the songs and now the album has been mastered. We stand at the threshold of a very exciting newness and although we would love to have you take a peak we ask you for patience please while we nurture them along a bit more. There are elements to be tamed: album titles and covers and liner notes and credits and satellites to bring this project to fruition. They wait in the wings just a wee bit longer but I remember hearing someone say that “good things come to those who wait”.

(Photo courtesy Jehsong Baak 2016)

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