May 2014


1965010_683810814998975_73167732_nRehearsals have begun with LUX in full – in preparation for our electric coming out at the Festival La Chapelle in Troyes, France. This will be the first concert as LUX goes electric with Franck Ballier on drums and Julien Boisseau on bass, the same rhythm section who was with us to record the EP at Studio Black Box.

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The video for No new love yet please, our single from the 5 track EP is OUT!
Have a look at that moment when falling in love becomes inevitable with Paris as a backdrop, shot with the inimitable eye of Jehsong Baak (
We are already reflecting upon the next video for a second song from the EP.
Above all, the date for the digital release of all five songs from the EP will soon be announced.

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